Malta / View cities

Malta is a beautiful historic island located in the Meditarranean sea, South of Italy. Formerly a British colony for 160 years, Malta counts today three official languages, English, spoken all over the island, Italian and Maltese.

Malta is a beautiful historic island located in the Meditarranean sea, South of Italy. Formerly a British colony for 160 years, Malta counts today three official languages, English, spoken all over the island, Italian and Maltese.

It is the perfect location for those who want to experience the Mediterranean lifestyle, enjoying watersports and learning English under the sun.

  • Calling code: +356
  • Currency: Euro (EUR €)
  • Electricity: 230 volts/50hz (you can buy an adaptor at the aiport)
  • Smoking regulations: smoking was banned in all enclosed public spaces, including public transportation, clubs and restaurants although smoking areas are allowed
  • Driving: left-hand side of the road
  • Drinking age: 16
  • Emergency number: 112
  • Affordable prices: language courses are relatively cheap by comparison with the rest of the English speaking European study destinations (The UK and Ireland).
  • A young and vibrant place to study: St. Julian's is known for being the nightlife hub.
  • A beautiful island: Malta is composed of 5 islands, in the heart of the Mediterranean sea, that has witnessed generations and generations of cultural diversity. Today remain many sites of the ancient times and rise above the sea the golden rocks and houses. Malta is a sunny island, the largest natural port on the Mediterranean. It is the ideal study destination if you like watersports.
  • A mediterranean climate: students choose Malta for its fantastic climate, considerable amounts of sunshine even during the winter months and the clear, warm sea.

The cost of living in Malta is considerably lower than in many other European countries. The average cost of living per month is around €940 including accommodation €320, food ?280, books/stationery €70, and other €270 (transport, entertainment, laundry, telephone). Naturally, the cost per individual will vary according to the type of accommodation and the student's own personal budget. 

Goods in Malta are of average value by north European standards but quite pricey compared to Africa. Touristy restaurants and shops can be very expensive, and imported goods and produce are also pricey.

Sample Price Guide:

  • Accommodation per month: 315.50 €
  • Average food prices per month: 180.97 €
  • Combo Meal at McDonalds or Similar: 7.50 €
  • Meal, Inexpensive Restaurant: 10.00 €
  • Small bottle of water: 0.95 €
  • Small bottle of beer: 2.00 €
  • Cappuccino (Regular): 1.53 € 
  • Coke/Pepsi (0.33 liter bottle): 1.31 €
  • Liter of milk: 0.88 €
  • Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g): 0.89 €
  • One-way Ticket (Local Transport): 1.50 €
  • Movie ticket: 7.00 €


Estudia un curso de idiomas o diplomado


El tiempo máximo que un estudiante puede permanecer en Irlanda con el fin de asistir a los cursos de idioma o diplomado se limita a tres años.

El curso debe cumplir con las siguientes condiciones

  • Carta de aceptación de la universidad, lo que confirma que has sido aceptado e inscrito en un curso de educación de tiempo completo, lo cual implica un mínimo de 15 horas de clases a la semana.
  • Deberás demostrar que el programa ha sido pagado a la universidad o institución educativa. Si el costo del programa no supera los €6000, se debe cancelar el valor total por adelantado.
  • Se requiere que todos los estudiantes tengan un seguro médico privado, ya sea personalmente o a través de un esquema de grupo operado por su universidad.

Otras opciones de visa

Requerimientos para visa de turista

  • Completar el formulario de solicitud en línea y presentar la solicitud firmada, adjuntando fotografías y el pago de la tarifa consular.
  • Presentar la carta de aplicación firmada.
  • Pasaporte válido por 6 meses después de la fecha prevista de salida del país, y copia del pasaporte anterior, si aplica.
  • Si se planea visitar otro país antes de viajar a Irlanda, se debe obtener la visa correspondiente para ese país antes de aplicar a la visa de Irlanda.
  • Si te han negado una visa para cualquier otro país, deberás indicar esto en detalle.
  • Si eres residente en un país distinto de tu país de origen, deberás demostrar evidencia del permiso de residencia en ese país. Este permiso debe ser válido durante al menos 3 meses después de la fecha prevista de salida Irlanda.
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316 km