María Angelica Castellanos

I do not want to go!!!!!

Leaving soon (and with this weather so absurdly cold and rainy hehehe) how not to think about how quickly time passes "And time does not wait for us !!" And thinking about all this I remembered that I had a pending task with you and the agency itself (so I felt hehehe) so first of all and after all ... I wanted to thank you for insisting me about remain the intent to go further than Australia and resulted in a fact closer to everything. Would that besides being your work, you can feel the satisfaction and joy of seeing fulfilled goals and be part of a process not easy to achieve. So, this is worth much more!!


What's embrace? one of the definitions of the RAE I like say "understand, contain, include". And it is the way in which I can express more or less what has been my experience. One purpose understood as a necessary step in life. Then the thought decision of my life (so far) for all the risks that are involved, is where it becomes a lifestyle. Understanding new and different lifestyles, customs, food, languages ​​that are outside of our house. I embraced the fact of living the uncertain and welcomed him, and the fortune that I have is now unparalleled.

Now I hold in my arms what I have built in four months as a temporary life but as my name. New friends from many parts of the world; achieved challenges, unique scenery, and learning that requires more than a classroom.




Now I hold in my arms what I have built in four months as a temporary life but as my name. New friends from many parts of the world; achieved challenges, unique scenery, and learning that requires more than a classroom.

What for? To include in my life an accomplished goal, and in my list of pendings more dreams and goals.

Malta, allowed me to revalue my life and see it from blue, green and transparent landscapes and in them see that the story never ends and that I am what I want to live, decide and embrace.

Thanks to embrace this madness with me and support me with everything.