English in Chester was established in 1976 and is the only British Council accredited English language training centre in Chester. English in Chester is a community. People make the school what it is today.
The teachers and staff are very important parts of this community. We are fortunate to have some wonderful, clever and charismatic people working at English in Chester. Many have been working at the school for more than ten years. They all contribute towards creating the excellent quality standards that English in Chester is so proud of.
Our students are an equally important part of the community. We regard everyone as an individual and want them to feel that they are a vital part of the school from the moment they arrive in Chester. Of course, a school also needs buildings, equipment and facilities. We have our own historic buildings in the centre of Chester, which we have skilfully adapted to modern educational usage.
We are constantly working to maintain and improve the quality of the study environment for our students. We also invest heavily in learning resources, most recently in educational software, to give our students the best possible English language learning experience.
We guarantee a quality homestay experience with friendly northern English hospitality. Our Student Services team will ensure that you are well-looked after throughout your time at the school.
English in Chester's online guided learning programme.
e-Chester is English in Chester's online guided learning programme. It is available for students on our General English courses and Courses for Business & Professional People. You will find many hours of excellent English language learning and practice materials.
There is also lots of information about studying at the school and living in Chester, as well as details about our excursion and activities programme for the coming weeks. You can also make friends with other students who are studying or have studied at English in Chester.
Learning Zone
The Learning Zone has links to the best websites for students to visit to practise and develop their English skills, together with more general websites with useful information about the UK and further study.
After school and evening Events: At least twice during each week, we offer free, or inexpensive, social events after school such as sports, international food evenings and visits to some of our traditional pubs. At school we have a Conversation Club, a Film Club and presentations where we introduce you to our favourite elements of local life and culture.
Excursions: Full day excursions at the weekend to destinations such as The Lake District and North Wales are offered once per week year-round and twice per week in July and August. There are many opportunities to visit Liverpool and Manchester which are easily accessible. Other events such as football matches or theatre trips are also popular. Occasionally we organise weekends away to places further away such as Scotland or London.
Making the most of your free Time: Our Excursions Coordinator has lots of information and advice on places to visit and can help you to arrange your own social activities. Our range of information packs provide comprehensive instructions on where to go, how to get there and what to see and do. We also encourage you to get involved in activities with the local community.
We can help you to join local groups, such as dance classes and sports clubs, and to take part in local events. This is the perfect way for you to meet local people and practise your English with native speakers.